ka-table v1.0.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-12-15 // over 4 years ago
  • Sorting
    Virtual Scrolling
    Filter row
    State Storing
    and many more..

    Name Type Description
    columns Column[] Columns in table and their look and behaviour
    data any[] The data which is shown in Table's rows
    editableCells Cell[] This property contains the array of cells which are being edited Editing Example
    editingMode EditingMode Sets the table's editing mode Editing Example
    filterRow FilterCondition[] Sets filters for columns Filter Row Example
    groups Group[] Group's in the table Grouping Example
    onDataChange (data: any[]) => void This function is executed each time when data going to change, use it to override current data Editing Example
    onOptionChange (value: any) => void This is mandatory function, this executes each time when grid going to change its state, use it to override current state Example
    onEvent (type: string, data: any) => void Use this function to track events in Table Events Example
    groupsExpanded any[][] Contains groups which are expanded in the grid
    rowKeyField string Property of data's item which is used to identitify row
    search string Specifies the text which should be found in the data Search Example
    selectedRows any[] Specifies the array of rows keys which are should be marked as selected Selection Example
    sortingMode SortingMode Sorting mode Sorting Example
    virtualScrolling VirtualScrolling Virtual scrolling options - set it as empty object {} to enable virtual scrolling and auto calculate its parameters Many Rows Example