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Latest Release
1236 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v4.1.0 Changes

    July 26, 2020
    rowReordering: true


    And also:

  • v4.0.1 Changes

    July 19, 2020

    What was done

    1. childComponents setting for customization (instead of childAttributes)

    this is a list of child components which user can override at this time (list can be extended by request):

    export class ChildComponents {
      public cell?: ChildComponent<ICellProps>; 
      public cellEditor?: ChildComponent<ICellEditorProps>; 
      public cellText?: ChildComponent<ICellTextProps>; 
      public dataRow?: ChildComponent<IDataRowProps>;
      public detailsRow?: ChildComponent<IDataRowProps>;
      public filterRowCell?: ChildComponent<IFilterRowEditorProps>;
      public groupCell?: ChildComponent<IGroupRowProps>;
      public groupRow?: ChildComponent<IGroupRowProps>;
      public headCell?: ChildComponent<IHeadCellProps>;
      public noDataRow?: ChildComponent<INoDataRowProps>;
      public table?: ChildComponent<ITableProps>;
      public tableHead?: ChildComponent<ITableHeadProps>;

    ChildComponent is a class with two settings:

    export class ChildComponent<TProps> {
      public elementAttributes?: (props: PropsWithChildren<TProps>) => ChildAttributesItem<TProps>;
      public content?: (props: PropsWithChildren<TProps>) => any;

    elementAttributes - function which returns attributes for particular component element

      table: {
        elementAttributes: (props: ITableProps) => ({
          className: 'table table-striped table-hover table-bordered'

    content - function overrides component content

            cellEditor: {
              content: (props) => {
                switch (props.column.key) {
                  case 'passed': return <CustomLookupEditor {...props}/>;
                  case 'name': return <CustomEditor {...props}/>;

    the ability to set up nested fields in one property using the dots #62 option renamed to tableProps.searchText

    💥 Breaking Changes

    Because childComponents covers almost all cases for grid elements customization, API has been reworked.

    1. component customization properties in columns moved to childComponents


      columns:[{ key: 'columnKey', cell: (props) => <AlertCell {...props}/> ... }]`


            cellText: {
              content: (props) => {
                switch (props.column.key) {
                  case 'columnKey': return <AlertCell {...props}/>;
                // don't return anything for using default value

    there is a list of settings which were in the column and their names in childComponents:

    • cell -> cellText (cell in childComponents is a parent for cellText & cellEditor)
    • editor -> cellEditor
    • filterRowCell -> filterRowCell
    • groupCell -> groupCell
    • headCell -> headCell
    1. component customization properties in ITableProps also moved to childComponents (the same way as in (1)):
    • dataRow -> dataRow
    • groupRow -> groupRow
    • detailsRow -> detailsRow
    1. column.fieldParents were removed

      key: 'field', fieldParents: ['parent1', 'parent2']


    key: 'parent1.parent2.field',
    1. column.format & & column.validation functions were moved to ITableProps. params became one object, and column option was added to this object

      columns: [{ key: 'price', format: (value: number) => { return $${value}; }, validation: (value) => { return value ? '' : 'value must be specified'; } }, { dataType: DataType.Boolean, key: 'passed', search: (searchText?: string, rowData?: any) => { return (searchText === 'false' && !rowData.passed) || (searchText === 'true' && rowData.passed); }, }]


    format: ({ column, value }) => {
        if (column.key === 'price'){
          return `$${value}`;
    search: ({ searchText, rowData, column }) => {
        if (column.key === 'passed'){
          return (searchText === 'false' && !rowData.passed) || (searchText === 'true' && rowData.passed);
    validation: ({ column, value }) => {
        if (column.key === 'price'){
          return value ? '' : 'value must be specified';

    search was renamed to searchText, (because search is used for another purpose - see (4))

    childAttributes were removed, use childComponents.[componentName].elementAttributes instead.

      table: {
        className: 'custom-editor-demo-table'


      table: {
          className: 'custom-editor-demo-table'

    🚚 1. All component props moved to /props directory (except for ITableProps - they are in root) 🚚 2. A lot of Redundant types were removed (old way -> new way to use):

    • CellFunc -> React.FC<ICellContentProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<ICellContentProps>> -> React.FC<ICellContentProps>
    • DataRowFunc -> React.FC<IDataRowProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IDataRowProps>> -> React.FC<IDataRowProps>
    • EditorFunc -> React.FC<ICellEditorProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<ICellEditorProps>> -> React.FC<ICellEditorProps>
    • FilterRowFunc -> React.FC<IFilterRowEditorProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IFilterRowEditorProps>> -> React.FC<IFilterRowEditorProps>
    • GroupCellFunc -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IGroupRowProps>> -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • GroupRowFunc -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • HeaderCellFunc -> React.FC<IHeadCellProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IHeadCellProps>> -> React.FC<IHeadCellProps>
    1. Signatures for the next functions were changed:

      type FormatFunc = (value: any) => any; // changed to: type FormatFunc = (props: { value: any, column: Column }) => any;

      type SearchFunc = (searchText?: string, rowData?: any, column?: Column) => boolean; // changed to: type SearchFunc = (props: { searchText: string, rowData: any, column: Column }) => boolean;

      type ValidationFunc = (value: any, rowData?: any) => string | void; // changed to: type ValidationFunc = (props: { value: any, rowData: any, column: Column }) => string | void;

    2. columnUtils, dateUtils & typeUtils were renamed to kaColumnUtils, kaDateUtils, kaTypeUtils

    3. .ka-group-column* classes were renamed to .ka-group-cell*

    4. IPagingProps for settings was renamed to PagingOptions

  • v3.7.1 Changes

    May 31, 2020

    pagesCount sets the count of pages for specific data and disables local data pagination:

    paging: {
     pagesCount?: number; 
     // ....

    ⚡️ also the action creator to update pagesCount value was added:

    updatePagesCount(pagesCount: number)

    Remote Data Demo

  • v3.6.1 Changes

    May 31, 2020

    🆕 new options:

      detailsRows: [1], // ids of rows, which details are shown
      detailsRow: DetailsRow, // detail row component


    to add custom attributes to the details row element:

        detailsRow: {
           style: {
             backgroundColor: '#eee'
  • v2.10.1 Changes

    February 23, 2020
    1. Select / Deselect all rows Demo
    2. Single selection action Demo
  • v2.9.4 Changes

    February 16, 2020

    🚀 Horizontal scroll bar works with header and body starting from this release

  • v2.6.1 Changes

    February 11, 2020

    🆕 New Feature: #32
    🛠 Fix: #33

    🆕 new options for group customization have been added:

    Option customizes whole group row and allows to control empty spaces and override a group arrow
    📄 Docs

    Option customizes only a group text cell, it does not change empty spaces and a group arrow
    📄 Docs

  • v2.5.4 Changes

    January 27, 2020

    issues: #26 #24
    PRs: #27 #28

  • v2.5.3 Changes

    January 25, 2020

    fieldParents option has been added for this purpose

    const data = [{ 
        representative: {
            name: 'Alex'
    }, { 
        representative: {
            name: 'Mike'
    const tableOption: ITableOption = {
      columns: [{
          field: 'name', // field name
          key: '', // just an unique value
          fieldParents: ['representative'] // this value contains names of parent fields (for acces to nested field) 
    <Table {...tableOption} data={data} />