react-responsive alternatives and similar libraries
Based on the "CSS / Style" category.
Alternatively, view react-responsive alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress ๐ -
[Not Actively Maintained] CSS-in-JS with near-zero runtime, SSR, multi-variant support, and a best-in-class developer experience. -
Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation -
Ultra Fast, Zero Runtime, Headless UI Components
๐ปโโ๏ธ A Headless, Utility-First, and Zero-Runtime UI Component Library โจ -
DISCONTINUED. Advanced & Dynamic Component Styling for React and React Native. Ships with powerful Plugins, Mixins and Developer Tools. -
Encapsulated styling for your javascript components with all the power of javascript and CSS combined. -
๐จ Aesthetic is an end-to-end multi-platform styling framework that offers a strict design system, robust atomic CSS-in-JS engine, a structural style sheet specification (SSS), a low-runtime solution, and much more! -
DISCONTINUED. Write durable HTML & CSS for any kind of web application [Moved to:]
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of react-responsive or a related project?
Packagereact-responsive Description Media queries in react for responsive design Browser Version >= IE6* Demo
The best supported, easiest to use react media query module.
$ npm install react-responsive --save
Example Usage
With Hooks
Hooks is a new feature available in 8.0.0!
import React from 'react'
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => {
const isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery({
query: '(min-width: 1224px)'
const isBigScreen = useMediaQuery({ query: '(min-width: 1824px)' })
const isTabletOrMobile = useMediaQuery({ query: '(max-width: 1224px)' })
const isPortrait = useMediaQuery({ query: '(orientation: portrait)' })
const isRetina = useMediaQuery({ query: '(min-resolution: 2dppx)' })
return <div>
<h1>Device Test!</h1>
{isDesktopOrLaptop && <p>You are a desktop or laptop</p>}
{isBigScreen && <p>You have a huge screen</p>}
{isTabletOrMobile && <p>You are a tablet or mobile phone</p>}
<p>Your are in {isPortrait ? 'portrait' : 'landscape'} orientation</p>
{isRetina && <p>You are retina</p>}
With Components
import MediaQuery from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => (
<h1>Device Test!</h1>
<MediaQuery minWidth={1224}>
<p>You are a desktop or laptop</p>
<MediaQuery minWidth={1824}>
<p>You also have a huge screen</p>
<MediaQuery minResolution="2dppx">
{/* You can also use a function (render prop) as a child */}
{(matches) =>
? <p>You are retina</p>
: <p>You are not retina</p>
Using Properties
To make things more idiomatic to react, you can use camel-cased shorthands to construct media queries.
For a list of all possible shorthands and value types see
Any numbers given as shorthand will be expanded to px (1234
will become '1234px'
The CSS media queries in the example above could be constructed like this:
import React from 'react'
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => {
const isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery({ minWidth: 1224 })
const isBigScreen = useMediaQuery({ minWidth: 1824 })
const isTabletOrMobile = useMediaQuery({ maxWidth: 1224 })
const isPortrait = useMediaQuery({ orientation: 'portrait' })
const isRetina = useMediaQuery({ minResolution: '2dppx' })
return (
Forcing a device with the device
At times you may need to render components with different device settings than what gets automatically detected. This is especially useful in a Node environment where these settings can't be detected (SSR) or for testing.
Possible Keys
, scan
, aspectRatio
, deviceAspectRatio
, deviceHeight
, width
, deviceWidth
, color
, colorIndex
, monochrome
and type
Possible Types
can be one of: all
, grid
, aural
, braille
, handheld
, print
, projection
, tty
, tv
or embossed
Note: The device
property always applies, even when it can be detected (where window.matchMedia exists).
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => {
const isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery(
{ minDeviceWidth: 1224 },
{ deviceWidth: 1600 } // `device` prop
return (
{isDesktopOrLaptop &&
this will always get rendered even if device is shorter than 1224px,
that's because we overrode device settings with 'deviceWidth: 1600'.
Supplying through Context
You can also pass device
to every useMediaQuery
hook in the components tree through a React Context.
This should ease up server-side-rendering and testing in a Node environment, e.g:
Server-Side Rendering
import { Context as ResponsiveContext } from 'react-responsive'
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
import App from './App'
// Context is just a regular React Context component, it accepts a `value` prop to be passed to consuming components
const mobileApp = renderToString(
<ResponsiveContext.Provider value={{ width: 500 }}>
<App />
import { Context as ResponsiveContext } from 'react-responsive'
import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
import ProductsListing from './ProductsListing'
describe('ProductsListing', () => {
test('matches the snapshot', () => {
const { container: mobile } = render(
<ResponsiveContext.Provider value={{ width: 300 }}>
<ProductsListing />
const { container: desktop } = render(
<ResponsiveContext.Provider value={{ width: 1000 }}>
<ProductsListing />
Note that if anything has a device
prop passed in it will take precedence over the one from context.
You can use the onChange
callback to specify a change handler that will be called when the media query's value changes.
import React from 'react'
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => {
const handleMediaQueryChange = (matches) => {
// matches will be true or false based on the value for the media query
const isDesktopOrLaptop = useMediaQuery(
{ minWidth: 1224 }, undefined, handleMediaQueryChange
return (
import React from 'react'
import MediaQuery from 'react-responsive'
const Example = () => {
const handleMediaQueryChange = (matches) => {
// matches will be true or false based on the value for the media query
return (
<MediaQuery minWidth={1224} onChange={handleMediaQueryChange}>
Easy Mode
That's it! Now you can create your application specific breakpoints and reuse them easily. Here is an example:
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive'
const Desktop = ({ children }) => {
const isDesktop = useMediaQuery({ minWidth: 992 })
return isDesktop ? children : null
const Tablet = ({ children }) => {
const isTablet = useMediaQuery({ minWidth: 768, maxWidth: 991 })
return isTablet ? children : null
const Mobile = ({ children }) => {
const isMobile = useMediaQuery({ maxWidth: 767 })
return isMobile ? children : null
const Default = ({ children }) => {
const isNotMobile = useMediaQuery({ minWidth: 768 })
return isNotMobile ? children : null
const Example = () => (
<Desktop>Desktop or laptop</Desktop>
<Default>Not mobile (desktop or laptop or tablet)</Default>
export default Example
And if you want a combo (the DRY way):
import { useMediaQuery } from "react-responsive"
const useDesktopMediaQuery = () =>
useMediaQuery({ query: "(min-width: 1280px)" })
const useTabletAndBelowMediaQuery = () =>
useMediaQuery({ query: "(max-width: 1279px)" })
const Desktop = ({ children }) => {
const isDesktop = useDesktopMediaQuery()
return isDesktop ? children : null
const TabletAndBelow = ({ children }) => {
const isTabletAndBelow = useTabletAndBelowMediaQuery()
return isTabletAndBelow ? children : null
Browser Support
Out of the box
Chrome 9 Firefox (Gecko) 6 MS Edge All Internet Explorer 10 Opera 12.1 Safari 5.1
With Polyfills
Pretty much everything. Check out these polyfills: