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Rich Text Editor libraries

Showing projects tagged as Form Components and Rich Text Editor

  • slate

    9.8 8.5 TypeScript
    A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. (Currently in beta.)
  • tiptap

    9.7 9.8 TypeScript
    The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
  • react-simple-code-editor

    6.8 5.3 TypeScript
    Simple no-frills code editor with syntax highlighting
  • edtr-io

    5.1 8.3 TypeScript
    DISCONTINUED. is an open source WYSIWYG in-line web editor written in React. Its plugin architecture makes lean and extensive at the same time.
  • ckeditor5-react

    4.6 9.3 TypeScript
    Official CKEditor 5 React component.
  • smartblock

    3.6 8.3 TypeScript
    intuitive block based wysiwyg editor built with React and ProseMirror
  • react-monacoeditor

    3.4 2.6 TypeScript
    Monaco Editor component for React.
  • ckeditor4-react

    2.8 4.9 TypeScript
    Official CKEditor 4 React component.
  • react-editor

    1.6 0.0 TypeScript
    Pure Rich-text Editor with TS & React-hooks