victory v0.8.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-06-01 // almost 8 years ago
    • ⬆️ Upgrades to React 15
    • 👌 Supports wrapped components in VictoryChart
    • ➕ Adds VictorySharedEvents wrapper for coordinating events between supported Victory Components. An annotated example of the new events API:
          childName: "firstBar", // if a child name is not provided, event will be attached to all children.
          target: "data", // what type of element to attach to. Matches the style namespaces
          eventKey: 1, // What event key of element to attach to. Defaults to the index in data.
          eventHandlers: {
            onClick: () => {
              return {
                childName: "secondBar", // the child to be modified
                // props here are the props that define the targeted component i.e. what is passed to an individual bar
                mutation: (props) => {
                  return {style: merge({},, {fill: "blue"})}; // Whatever is returned here will override the existing props
        }, {
          childName: "secondBar",
          target: "data",
          eventKey: 0,
          eventHandlers: {
            onClick: () => { // event handlers can return an array of mutation objects with different targeted elements
              return [
                  childName: "firstBar",
                  mutation: (props) => {
                    return {style: merge({},, {fill: "cyan"})};
                }, {
                  mutation: (props) => { // the default target element is whatever element the handler is attached to
                    return {style: merge({},, {fill: "orange"})};
                }, {
                  target: "labels",
                  eventKey: 1,
                  mutation: () => {
                    return {text: "CLICKED"};
        name="firstBar" // if children don't have name props they can be referenced by index in shared events
          data: {width: 25, fill: "gold"}
        data={[{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}, {x: "c", y: 4}]}
        data={[{x: "a", y: 2}, {x: "b", y: 3}, {x: "c", y: 4}]}