slate v0.14.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-09-10 // over 7 years ago

    The undo and redo transforms need to be applied! Previously, undo and redo were special cased such that they did not require an .apply() call, and instead would return a new State directly. Now this is no longer the case, and they are just like every other transform.

    Transforms are no longer exposed on State or Node. The transforms API has been completely refactored to be built up of "operations" for collaborative editing support. As part of this refactor, the transforms are now only available via the state.transform() API, and aren't exposed on the State or Node objects as they were before.

    Transform objects are now mutable. Previously Transform was an Immutable.js Record, but now it is a simple constructor. This is because transforms are inherently mutating their representation of a state, but this decision is up for discussion.

    The selection can now be "unset". Previously, a selection could never be in an "unset" state where the anchorKey or focusKey was null. This is no longer technically true, although this shouldn't really affect anyone in practice.