reactabular v6.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-10-14 // over 7 years ago
  • reactabular-easy

    • Breaking - Expose idField and parentField props for customizing tree field types. Earlier rowKey handled idField but now it has been separated for clarity.
    • Breaking - Drop styles prop. Use props instead.


    • Breaking - search.multipleColumns and search.singleColumn now accept a castingStrategy parameter to define how to cast properties when searching. By default, everything by arrays is cast to a string.
    • Feature - search.matches now traverses arrays and returns results in the same shape.


    • Bug fix - Make toggling behavior rely on property over id. Now the behavior is more consistent with filtered sets. #216
    • Bug fix - If is not set, generate key based on column index instead.


    • Breaking - Drop styles prop. Use props instead.


    • Breaking - Drop styles prop. Use props instead.


    • Feature - Allow table body and body row shouldComponentUpdate to be overridden.


    • Breaking - Merge tree.flatten with tree.unpack. The new signature for tree.unpack is tree.unpack = ({ parentField = 'parent', parent, idField = 'id'}) => (rows) => <unpackedRows>.
    • Breaking - Rework API so that all functions except tree.toggleChildren work in curry format ((...) => (rows) => <new rows>). This way the API is consistent and easy to extend.
    • Breaking - Expose childrenField for tree.pack and tree.unpack. It defaults to children.
    • Breaking - Make tree.pack to work in a recursive manner (packs children within children).
    • Breaking - Make match against children as well. If children as matched, it will return parents as well.
    • Feature - Add tree.getChildren utilities for getting node children.


    • Feature - Add scrollTo(index) method to Virtualized.Body ref.