react-router-redux v1.0.0 Release Notes

  • 2015-12-09

    🚀 This release changes quite a bit so you'll have to update your code.

    💥 Breaking Changes:

    • ⚡️ The updatePath action creator has been removed in favor of pushPath and replacePath. Use pushPath to get the same behavior as before. (#38)
    • 👍 We have added support for routing state (#38)
    • ⚡️ Our actions are now FSA compliant. This means if you are listening for the UPDATE_PATH action in a reducer you should get properties off the payload property. (#63)

    🛠 Other fixes:

    • Redux DevTools should now work as expected (#73)
    • As we no longer depend on window.location, <base href="..."> should now work (#62)
    • ⚡️ We've done lots of work on finding the right way to stop cycles, so hopefully we shouldn't have any unnecessary location or store updates (#50)