
Programming language: TypeScript
License: MIT License
Tags: UI Components     UI Layout     UI     React-component     Component     Typescript    

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[React Native Spokestack Tray](./example/react-native-spokestsack-tray.png)

A React Native component for adding Spokestack to any React Native app.

[Example app](./example/tray_example.gif)


Install this library with the peer dependencies

A one-liner to install all dependencies

npm install react-native-spokestack-tray react-native-spokestack @react-native-community/async-storage react-native-video react-native-haptic-feedback react-native-linear-gradient react-native-permissions

Each dependency by its usage.

$ npm install react-native-spokestack-tray react-native-spokestack

# Used for storing a simple boolean to turn on/off sound
$ npm install @react-native-community/async-storage

# Used to play TTS audio prompts.
# Despite its name, we think this is one of the best
# plugins (if not the best) for playing audio.
# In iOS, Audio and Video are intertwined anyway.
$ npm install react-native-video

# Used to show an animating gradient when Spokestack listens
$ npm install react-native-linear-gradient

# Used to check microphone and speech recognition permissions
$ npm install react-native-permissions

# Used to generate a haptic whenever Spokestack listens.
# This can be turned off, but the dependency is still needed.
$ npm install react-native-haptic-feedback

Then follow the instructions for each platform to link react-native-spokestack to your project:

iOS installation

iOS details

Set deployment target

react-native-spokestack makes use of relatively new APIs only available in iOS 13+. Make sure to set your deployment target to iOS 13.

First, open XCode and go to Project -> Info to set the iOS Deployment target to 13.0 or higher.

Also, set deployment to 13.0 under Target -> General -> Deployment Info.

Remove invalid library search path

When Flipper was introduced to React Native, some library search paths were set for Swift. There has been a longstanding issue with the default search paths in React Native projects because a search path was added for swift 5.0 which prevented any other React Native libraries from using APIs only available in Swift 5.2 or later. Spokestack-iOS, a dependency of react-native-spokestack makes use of these APIs and XCode will fail to build.

Fortunately, the fix is fairly simple. Go to your target -> Build Settings and search for "Library Search Paths".

Remove "\"$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib/swift-5.0/$(PLATFORM_NAME)\"" from the list.

Edit Podfile

Before running pod install, make sure to make the following edits.

platform :ios, '13.0'

We also need to use use_frameworks! in our Podfile in order to support dependencies written in Swift.

target 'SpokestackExample' do

For the time being, use_frameworks! does not work with Flipper, so we also need to disable Flipper. Remove any Flipper-related lines in your Podfile. In React Native 0.63.2, they look like this:

  # X Remove or comment out these lines X
  # use_flipper!
  # post_install do |installer|
  #   flipper_post_install(installer)
  # end
  # XX

react-native-permissions pods

We use react-native-permissions to check and request the Microphone permission (iOS and Android) and the Speech Recognition permission (iOS only). This library separates each permission into its own pod to avoid inflating your app with code you don't use. Add the following pods to your Podfile:

target 'SpokestackTrayExample' do
  # ...
  permissions_path = '../node_modules/react-native-permissions/ios'
  pod 'Permission-Microphone', :path => "#{permissions_path}/Microphone.podspec"
  pod 'Permission-SpeechRecognition', :path => "#{permissions_path}/SpeechRecognition.podspec"

Bug in React Native 0.64.0 (should be fixed in 0.64.1)

React Native 0.64.0 broke any projects using use_frameworks! in their Podfiles.

For more info on this bug, see https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/31149.

To workaround this issue, add the following to your Podfile:

# Moves 'Generate Specs' build_phase to be first for FBReactNativeSpec
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if (target.name&.eql?('FBReactNativeSpec'))
      target.build_phases.each do |build_phase|
        if (build_phase.respond_to?(:name) && build_phase.name.eql?('[CP-User] Generate Specs'))
          target.build_phases.move(build_phase, 0)

pod install

Remove your existing Podfile.lock and Pods folder to ensure no conflicts, then install the pods:

$ npx pod-install

Edit Info.plist

Add the following to your Info.plist to enable permissions. In XCode, also ensure your iOS deployment target is set to 13.0 or higher.

<string>This app uses the microphone to hear voice commands</string>
<string>This app uses speech recognition to process voice commands</string>

Remove Flipper

While Flipper works on fixing their pod for use_frameworks!, we must disable Flipper. We already removed the Flipper dependencies from Pods above, but there remains some code in the AppDelegate.m that imports Flipper. There are two ways to fix this.

  1. You can disable Flipper imports without removing any code from the AppDelegate. To do this, open your xcworkspace file in XCode. Go to your target, then Build Settings, search for "C Flags", remove -DFB_SONARKIT_ENABLED=1 from flags.
  2. Remove all Flipper-related code from your AppDelegate.m.

In our example app, we've done option 1 and left in the Flipper code in case they get it working in the future and we can add it back.

Edit AppDelegate.m

Add AVFoundation to imports

#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

AudioSession category

Set the AudioSession category. There are several configurations that work.

The following is a suggestion that should fit most use cases:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
  AVAudioSession *session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
  [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
  options:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowAirPlay | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP | AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth
  [session setActive:YES error:nil];

  // ...

Android installation

Android details

ASR Support

The example usage uses the system-provided ASRs (AndroidSpeechRecognizer and AppleSpeechRecognizer). However, AndroidSpeechRecognizer is not available on 100% of devices. If your app supports a device that doesn't have built-in speech recognition, use Spokestack ASR instead by setting the profile to a Spokestack profile using the profile prop.

See our ASR documentation for more information.

Edit root build.gradle (not app/build.gradle)

// ...
  ext {
    // Minimum SDK is 21
    minSdkVersion = 21
// ...
  dependencies {
    // Minimium gradle is 3.0.1+
    // The latest React Native already has this

Edit AndroidManifest.xml

Add the necessary permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml. The first permission is often there already. The second is needed for using the microphone.

    <!-- For TTS -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <!-- For wakeword and ASR -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <!-- For ensuring no downloads happen over cellular, unless forced -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />


import SpokestackTray, { listen } from 'react-native-spokestack-tray'

// ...

export default function ConversationHandler({ navigation }) {
  return (
      handleIntent={(intent, slots, utterance) => {
        switch (intent) {
          // These cases would be for all
          // the possible intents defined in your NLU.
          case 'request.select':
            // As an example, search with some service
            // with the given value from the NLU
            const recipe = SearchService.find(slots.recipe?.value)
            // An example of navigating to some scene to show
            // data, a recipe in our example.
            navigation.navigate('Recipe', { recipe })
            return {
              node: 'info.recipe',
              prompt: 'We found your recipe!'
            return {
              node: 'welcome',
              prompt: 'Let us help you find a recipe.'
      // The NLU models are downloaded and then cached
      // when the app is first installed.
      // See https://spokestack.io/docs/concepts/nlu
      // for more info on NLU.
        nlu: 'https://somecdn/nlu.tflite',
        vocab: 'https://somecdn/vocab.txt',
        metadata: 'https://somecdn/metadata.json'

Including model files in your app bundle

To include model files locally in your app (rather than downloading them from a CDN), you also need to add the necessary extensions so the files can be included by Babel. To do this, edit your metro.config.js.

const defaults = require('metro-config/src/defaults/defaults')

module.exports = {
  resolver: {
    // json is already in the list
    assetExts: defaults.assetExts.concat(['tflite', 'txt', 'sjson'])

Then include model files using source objects:

    filter: require('./filter.tflite'),
    detect: require('./detect.tflite'),
    encode: require('./encode.tflite')
    model: require('./nlu.tflite'),
    vocab: require('./vocab.txt'),
    // Be sure not to use "json" here.
    // We use a different extension (.sjson) so that the file is not
    // immediately parsed as json and instead
    // passes a require source object to Spokestack.
    // The special extension is only necessary for local files.
    metadata: require('./metadata.sjson')

This is not required. Pass remote URLs to the same config options and the files will be downloaded and cached when first calling initialize.


See the [contributing guide](CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


<SpokestackTray /> Component Props


Optional buttonWidth: number (Default: 60)

Width (and height) of the mic button

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:132


clientId: string

Your Spokestack tokens generated in your Spokestack account at https://spokestack.io/account. Create an account for free then generate a token. This is from the "ID" field.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:74


clientSecret: string

Your Spokestack tokens generated in your Spokestack account at https://spokestack.io/account. Create an account for free then generate a token. This is from the "secret" field.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:81


Optional closeDelay: number (Default: 0)

How long to wait to close the tray after speaking (ms)

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:134


Optional debug: boolean

Show debug messages from react-native-spokestack

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:136


Optional duration: number (Default: 500)

Duration for the tray animation (ms)

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:138


Optional easing: EasingFunction (Default: Easing.bezier(0.77, 0.41, 0.2, 0.84))

Easing function for the tray animation

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:140


Optional editTranscript: (transcript: string) => string (Default: (transcript) => transcript)

Edit the transcript before classification and before the user response bubble is shown.

Type declaration

▸ (transcript: string): string


Name Type
transcript string

Returns: string

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:145


Optional exitNodes: string[]

All nodes in this array should end the conversation and close the tray

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:150


Optional fontFamily: string

Font to use for "LISTENING...", "LOADING...", and chat bubble text.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:155


Optional gradientColors: string[] (Default: ["#61fae9", "#2F5BEA"])

Colors for the linear gradient shown when listening Can be any number of colors (recommended: 2-3)

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:160


Optional greet: boolean (Default: false)

Whether to greet the user with a welcome message when the tray opens. Note: handleIntent must respond to the "greet" intent.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:166


handleIntent: (intent: string, slots?: SpokestackNLUSlots, utterance?: string) => IntentResult

This function takes an intent from the NLU and returns an object with a unique conversation node name (that you define) and a prompt to be processed by TTS and spoken.

Note: the prompt is only shown in a chat bubble if sound has been turned off.

Type declaration

▸ (intent: string, slots?: SpokestackNLUSlots, utterance?: string): IntentResult


Name Type
intent string
slots? SpokestackNLUSlots
utterance? string

Returns: IntentResult

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:91


Optional haptic: boolean (Default: true)

Set this to false to disable the haptic that gets played whenever the tray starts listening.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:171


Optional keyword: KeywordConfig

Configuration for keyword recognition

The filter, detect, encode, and metadata fields accept 2 types of values.

  1. A string representing a remote URL from which to download and cache the file (presumably from a CDN).
  2. A source object retrieved by a require or import (e.g. model: require('./nlu.tflite'))

See https://www.spokestack.io/docs/concepts/keywords to learn more about keyword recognition.


// ...
  detect: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/UbMeX/detect.tflite',
  encode: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/UbMeX/encode.tflite',
  filter: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/UbMeX/filter.tflite',
  metadata: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/UbMeX/metadata.json'

You can also download models ahead of time and include them from local files. Note: this requires a change to your metro.config.js. For more info, see "Including model files in your app bundle" in the README.md.

// ...
  detect: require('./detect.tflite'),
  encode: require('./encode.tflite'),
  filter: require('./filter.tflite'),
  // IMPORTANT: a special extension is used for local metadata JSON files (`.sjson`) when using `require` or `import`
  // so the file is not parsed when included but instead imported as a source object. This makes it so the
  // file is read and parsed by the underlying native libraries instead.
  metadata: require('./metadata.sjson')

Keyword configuration also accepts a classes field for when metadata is not specified.

// ...
  detect: require('./detect.tflite'),
  encode: require('./encode.tflite'),
  filter: require('./filter.tflite'),
  classes: ['one', 'two', 'three]

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:221


Optional minHeight: number (Default: 170)

Minimum height for the tray

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:223


nlu: NLUConfig

The NLU Tensorflow Lite model (.tflite), JSON metadata, and NLU vocabulary (.txt)

All 3 fields accept 2 types of values.

  1. A string representing a remote URL from which to download and cache the file (presumably from a CDN).
  2. A source object retrieved by a require or import (e.g. model: require('./nlu.tflite'))

See https://spokestack.io/docs/concepts/nlu to learn more about NLU.

// ...
  model: 'https://somecdn.com/nlu.tflite',
  vocab: 'https://somecdn.com/vocab.txt',
  metadata: 'https://somecdn.com/metadata.json'

You can also pass local files. Note: this requires a change to your metro.config.js. For more info, see "Including model files in your app bundle" in the README.md.

// ...
  model: require('./nlu.tflite'),
  vocab: require('./vocab.txt'),
  // IMPORTANT: a special extension is used for local metadata JSON files (`.sjson`) when using `require` or `import`
  // so the file is not parsed when included but instead imported as a source object. This makes it so the
  // file is read and parsed by the underlying native libraries instead.
  metadata: require('./metadata.sjson')

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:130


Optional onClose: () => void

Called whenever the tray has closed

Type declaration

▸ (): void

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:227


Optional onError: (e: SpokestackErrorEvent) => void

Called whenever there's an error from Spokestack

Type declaration

▸ (e: SpokestackErrorEvent): void


Name Type
e SpokestackErrorEvent

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:229


Optional onOpen: () => void

Called whenever the tray has opened

Type declaration

▸ (): void

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:231


Optional orientation: "left" | "right" (Default: "left")

The tray button can be oriented on either side of the screen

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:235


Optional primaryColor: string (Default: "#2f5bea")

This color is used to theme the tray and is used in the mic button and speech bubbles.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:240


Optional profile: PipelineProfile

The Spokestack config profile to pass to react-native-spokestack. These are available from react-native-spokestack starting in version 4.0.0.

If Wakeword config files are specified, the default will be TFLITE_WAKEWORD_NATIVE_ASR. Otherwise, the default is PTT_NATIVE_ASR.

import SpokestackTray from 'react-native-spokestack-tray'
import { PipelineProfile } from 'react-native-spokestack'

// ...
// ...

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:261


Optional refreshModels: boolean

Use this sparingly to refresh the wakeword, keyword, and NLU models on device (force overwrite). <SpokestackTray refreshModels={process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'} ... />

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:268


Optional sayGreeting: boolean (Default: true)

Whether to speak the greeting or only display a chat bubble with the greet message, even if sound is on.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:274


Optional soundOffImage: ReactNode (Default: ( ))

Replace the sound off image by passing a React Image component

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:278


Optional soundOnImage: ReactNode (Default: ( ))

Replace the sound on image by passing a React Image component

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:276


Optional spokestackConfig: Partial

Pass options directly to the Spokestack.initialize() function from react-native-spokestack. See https://github.com/spokestack/react-native-spokestack for available options.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:285


Optional startHeight: number (Default: 220)

Starting height for tray

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:287


Optional style: false | RegisteredStyle | Value | AnimatedInterpolation | WithAnimatedObject | WithAnimatedArray<false | ViewStyle | RegisteredStyle | RecursiveArray<false | ViewStyle | RegisteredStyle> | readonly (false | ViewStyle | RegisteredStyle)[]>

This style prop is passed to the tray's container

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:289


Optional ttsFormat: TTSFormat (Default: TTSFormat.TEXT)

The format for the text passed to Spokestack.synthesize

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:291


Optional voice: string (Default: "demo-male")

A key for a voice in Spokestack TTS, passed to Spokestack.synthesize

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:293


Optional wakeword: WakewordConfig

The NLU Tensorflow Lite models (.tflite) for wakeword.

All 3 fields accept 2 types of values.

  1. A string representing a remote URL from which to download and cache the file (presumably from a CDN).
  2. A source object retrieved by a require or import (e.g. model: require('./nlu.tflite'))

See https://spokestack.io/docs/concepts/wakeword-models to learn more about Wakeword

Spokestack offers sample wakeword model files ("Spokestack"):

// ...
  detect: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/hgmYb/detect.tflite',
  encode: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/hgmYb/encode.tflite',
  filter: 'https://s.spokestack.io/u/hgmYb/filter.tflite'

You can also download these models ahead of time and include them from local files. Note: this requires a change to your metro.config.js. For more info, see "Including model files in your app bundle" in the README.md.

// ...
  detect: require('./detect.tflite'),
  encode: require('./encode.tflite'),
  filter: require('./filter.tflite')

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:327



Optional data: any

Any other data you might want to add

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:64


Optional noInterrupt: boolean

Set to true to stop the wakeword recognizer during playback of the prompt.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:62


node: string

A user-defined key to indicate where the user is in the conversation Include this in the exitNodes prop if Spokestack should not listen again after saying the prompt.

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:55


prompt: string

Will be processed into Speech unless the tray is in silent mode

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:57

<SpokestackTray /> Component Methods

These methods are available from the SpokestackTray component. Use a React ref to access these methods.

const spokestackTray = useRef(null)

  // ...
  <SpokestackTray ref={spokestackTray}

// ...
spokestackTray.current.say('Here is something for Spokestack to say')

Note: In most cases, you should call listen instead of open.


open(): void

Open the tray, greet (if applicable), and listen

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:729


close(): void

Close the tray, stop listening, and restart wakeword

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:740


say(input: string): Promise

Passes the input to Spokestack.synthesize(), plays the audio, and adds a speech bubble.


Name Type
input string

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:752


addBubble(bubble: Bubble): void

Add a bubble (system or user) to the chat interface


Name Type
bubble Bubble

Returns: void

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:785



isLeft: boolean

Defined in: src/components/SpeechBubbles.tsx:9


text: string

Defined in: src/components/SpeechBubbles.tsx:8


toggleSilent(): Promise

Toggle silent mode

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:802


isSilent(): boolean

Returns whether the tray is in silent mode

Returns: boolean

Defined in: src/SpokestackTray.tsx:814

Spokestack Functions

These functions are available as exports from react-native-spokestack-tray


listen(): Promise

Tells the Spokestack speech pipeline to start listening. Also requests permission to listen if necessary. It will attempt to start the pipeline before activating if not already started. This function will do nothing if the app is in the background.

import { listen } from 'react-native-spokestack-tray'
try {
  await listen()
} catch (error) {

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/Spokestack.ts:21


stopListening(): Promise

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/Spokestack.ts:30


Const isListening(): Promise

Returns whether Spokestack is currently listening

console.log(`isListening: ${await isListening()}`)

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/index.ts:19


Const isInitialized(): Promise

Returns whether Spokestack has been initialized

console.log(`isInitialized: ${await isInitialized()}`)

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/index.ts:27


Const isStarted(): Promise

Returns whether the speech pipeline has been started

console.log(`isStarted: ${await isStarted()}`)

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/index.ts:35


Const addEventListener(eventType: string, listener: (event: any) => void, context?: Object): EmitterSubscription

Bind to any event emitted by the native libraries The events are: "recognize", "partial_recognize", "error", "activate", "deactivate", and "timeout". See the bottom of the README.md for descriptions of the events.

useEffect(() => {
  const listener = addEventListener('recognize', onRecognize)
  // Unsubscribe by calling remove when components are unmounted
  return () => {
}, [])


Name Type
eventType string
listener (event: any) => void
context? Object

Returns: EmitterSubscription

Defined in: src/index.ts:51


Const removeEventListener(eventType: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => any): void

Remove an event listener

removeEventListener('recognize', onRecognize)


Name Type
eventType string
listener (...args: any[]) => any

Returns: void

Defined in: src/index.ts:59


Const removeAllListeners(): void

Remove any existing listeners

componentWillUnmount() {

Returns: void

Defined in: src/index.ts:69


Use addEventListener(), removeEventListener(), and removeAllListeners() to add and remove events handlers. All events are available in both iOS and Android.

Name Data Description
recognize { transcript: string } Fired whenever speech recognition completes successfully.
partial_recognize { transcript: string } Fired whenever the transcript changes during speech recognition.
start null Fired when the speech pipeline starts (which begins listening for wakeword or starts VAD).
stop null Fired when the speech pipeline stops.
activate null Fired when the speech pipeline activates, either through the VAD, wakeword, or when calling .activate().
deactivate null Fired when the speech pipeline deactivates.
play { playing: boolean } Fired when TTS playback starts and stops. See the speak() function.
timeout null Fired when an active pipeline times out due to lack of recognition.
trace { message: string } Fired for trace messages. Verbosity is determined by the traceLevel option.
error { error: string } Fired when there's an error in Spokestack.

When an error event is triggered, any existing promises are rejected.

Checking speech permissions

These utility functions are used by Spokestack to check microphone permission on iOS and Android and speech recognition permission on iOS.


checkSpeech(): Promise

This function can be used to check whether the user has given the necessary permission for speech. On iOS, this includes both microphone and speech recnogition. On Android, only the microphone is needed.

import { checkSpeech } from 'react-native-spokestack-tray'

// ...

const hasPermission = await checkSpeech()

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/utils/permissions.ts:78


requestSpeech(): Promise

This function can be used to actually request the necessary permission for speech. On iOS, this includes both microphone and speech recnogition. On Android, only the microphone is needed.

Note: if the user has declined in the past on iOS, the user must be sent to Settings.

import { requestSpeech } from 'react-native-spokestack-tray'

// ...

const hasPermission = await requestSpeech()

Returns: Promise

Defined in: src/utils/permissions.ts:106



*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Spokestack Tray README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.