react-leaflet v0.11.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-04-09 // about 8 years ago
    • [BREAKING] Added layerContainer property as a consistent replacement for map or layerGroup (PR #132 by boromisp). This is only breaking if you are creating custom components, as you will need to make sure to also inject the layerContainer property to children layers as you need to do with map.
    • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed LayersControl to be based on components:
      • Added LayersControl.BaseLayer container component to add a base layer to a LayersControl.
      • Added LayersControl.Overlay container component to add an overlay to a LayersControl.
      • baseLayers and overlays properties for LayersControl are still supported but deprecated. Using either of them will make the LayersControl behave the same way it does in versions < 0.11.
    • ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecated onLeaflet... properties for events, simply use on..., ex onClick instead of onLeafletClick.
    • โž• Added warnings for deprecated features, the same way React does. Make sure to address these warnings to ease the transition to future releases.
    • โž• Added React v15.0.0 support as peer dependency.
    • [internal] Fixed no-unused-vars linting (PR #131 by boromisp).