Drag And Drop libraries

Showing projects tagged as UI Components and Drag And Drop

  • react-beautiful-dnd

    9.8 5.3 JavaScript
    Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
  • react-dnd

    9.6 0.0 TypeScript
    Drag and Drop for React
  • dnd-kit

    9.2 7.2 TypeScript
    The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
  • react-dropzone

    9.1 7.7 JavaScript
    Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.
  • react-draggable

    9.0 3.6 JavaScript
    React draggable component
  • react-movable

    6.4 7.0 TypeScript
    🔀 Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
  • react-dragula

    5.8 0.0 JavaScript
    :ok_hand: Drag and drop so simple it hurts
  • react-dnd-touch-backend

    5.0 6.3 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. Touch Backend for react-dnd.
  • react-sortable-pane

    4.9 0.0 TypeScript
    :sparkles: A sortable and resizable pane component for React.
  • react-droparea

    1.9 0.0 CoffeeScript
    Drag and Drop library for React
  • react-drag-sizing

    1.0 0.0 TypeScript
    "Drag to resize" (sizing) as React Component.