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Reactjs libraries

Showing projects tagged as React, UI Components, Component, React-component, and Reactjs

  • react-beautiful-dnd

    9.8 5.5 JavaScript
    Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
  • Plyr

    9.8 2.7 L5 JavaScript
    A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
  • react-sortable-hoc

    9.1 0.0 JavaScript
    A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌️
  • google-map-react

    8.7 0.0 JavaScript
    Google map library for react that allows rendering components as markers :tada:
  • Reactime 6.0: State Debugger for React

    7.3 9.6 TypeScript
    Developer tool for time travel debugging and performance monitoring in React applications.
  • Ultra Fast, Zero Runtime, Headless UI Components

    6.6 8.4 TypeScript
    🐻‍❄️ A Headless, Utility-First, and Zero-Runtime UI Component Library ✨
  • 📝 react-mde

    6.6 6.8 TypeScript
    DISCONTINUED. 📝 React Markdown Editor
  • React Photo Album

    4.3 7.8 TypeScript
    Responsive photo gallery component for React
  • react-typeahead-component

    3.6 0.0 JavaScript
    Typeahead, written using the React.js library.
  • react-planet

    2.8 0.0 TypeScript
    A react lib for building circular menus in a very easy and handy way.
  • Nice React Layout

    1.8 0.0 JavaScript
    Create complex and nice Flexbox-based layouts, without even knowing what flexbox means
  • Reflexy

    0.6 7.6 TypeScript
    Flexbox layout and responsive components.