Form libraries

Showing projects tagged as Code Design, React, and Form

  • react-jsonschema-form

    9.4 9.0 TypeScript
    A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema.
  • redux-form

    9.3 2.2 JavaScript
    A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
  • formsy-react

    7.8 0.0 JavaScript
    A form input builder and validator for React JS
  • react-redux-form

    7.5 0.0 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. Create forms easily in React with Redux.
  • tcomb-form

    6.6 0.0 JavaScript
    DISCONTINUED. Forms library for react
  • winterfell

    5.6 0.0 JavaScript
    Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React.
  • plexus-form

    2.9 0.0 JavaScript
    A dynamic form component for react using JSON-Schema.
  • MSON-React

    2.0 0.0 JavaScript
    React and Material-UI Rendering Layer for MSON
  • formhero

    1.2 5.1 TypeScript
    Fully customisable React form utility
  • Table of Contents

    0.5 2.7 JavaScript
    forml - extensible react json schema form generator
  • @mozartspa/mobx-react

    0.4 0.0 TypeScript
    High performance, hook-based forms library for React, powered by MobX.