Syncfusion React UI Components Library (Essential JS 2) v18.2.44 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-07-07 // almost 4 years ago
  • Common

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • ⚑️ Resolved the delayUpdate property type issue.
    • ⚑️ I276587 - Resolved property updating issue in functional components.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #275090 - An issue with Ripple effect when destroy and rendered nested accordions has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  #273054 - An issue with cross side scripting validation has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  #275509 - An issue with addItem public method when passing multiple items has been fixed.

    Accumulation Chart

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ Provided smart label placement support that places data labels smartly without overlapping one another in Pie and Doughnut charts.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #269847 - "Barcode control is not rendering in MVC" issue has been fixed.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #280448 - After changing page layout from LTR to RTL label overlapping issue fixed.
    • πŸ›  #280364 - Stacking area while assigning empty data source console error issue fixed.
    • πŸ›  #281323 - Console error while using DateTime as primaryYAxis issue fixed.
    • πŸ›  #281651 - Other zooming actions prevented while scrollbar zooming enabled issue is fixed.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #278394 - Issue with delete event has been fixed.

    Context Menu

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  An issue with sub menu after preventing first sub menu has been fixed.

    Dashboard Layout

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #276817 - Panel content will now get persisted on page reload with persistence enabled.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • #274484,F145781 - Provided option to open the popup while focusing the input element.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • #274484,F145781 - Provided option to open the popup while focusing the input element.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • #274484,F145781 - Provided option to open the popup while focusing the input element.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • ⚑️ F153539 - The issue with "Properties are not updated in server side" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  275634 - The issue with "Exception occurs when double click on read only annotation" has been fixed.
    • 🚚 273482 - The issue with "History change event args source are mismatch for nudge commands and mouse movements" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  274308 - The issue with "Tooltip does not render when diagram placed in side bar component" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  276796 - The issue with "Exception throws when zoom in or zoom out the diagram with virtualization" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  276998 - The issue with "Provide support to cancel the drawing object when press escape key" has been fixed.
    • 273484 - Issue with state of event while the connector is being dragged is now resolved.
    • πŸ›  274485 - Issue with dynamically added swimlane addInfo has been fixed.
    • πŸ‘» 264654 - Console exception with cloning phase of swimlane is now resolved.
    • πŸ‘» 275032 - Console exception while editing the annotation of node is resolved.
    • πŸ›  271060 - The issue with "Margin does not apply for the exported image" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  272898 - The issue with "When drag some nodes in palette it does not show preview and drop in diagram" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  F153185 - The issue with "Line routing does not consider for Group nodes" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  #272405 - The issue with "The Double click event does not get triggered when double clicking on an annotation" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  274242 - The issue with "Strange behaviour when changing Connector source or target decorator width or height" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  272497 - The issue with "Need to consider boundary constraints when resizing the node" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  272186 - The issue on symbol description is fixed.
    • πŸ›  F12953 - The issue "Diagram FitToPage method not working properly by calling several times" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  F13028 - The issue "Connector padding is not working for Path Node" has been fixed.
    • #275092 - The line routing for the organizational chart works now.
    • πŸ›  278119 - The issue with "Exception occurs when try to export the diagram with mode data" has been fixed.
    • 0️⃣ 279145 - The issue with "Exception occurs when try to save diagram with prevent defaults set as true" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  278617 - The issue with "Exception occurs when define two swim lanes in the diagram" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  F154840 - The issue with "Exception occurs when try to load the diagram with group nodes" has been fixed.
    • 0️⃣ 279486 - The issue with "Exception occurs when try to load the diagram with prevent defaults set as true" has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  F154304 - The issue with "Annotation Horizontal and vertical alignments are aligned wrongly" has been fixed.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ #259358 - Support for user handle templates has been provided.
    • πŸ‘ #263337 - Undo and redo support has been enabled for order commands.
    • πŸ‘ #264082 - Support provided to find nearby elements when dragging the end point of the connectors.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #268838, #154237 - Resolved the parent dialog button click action is not working while rendering the dialog within an Dialog.

    Document Editor

    πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

    • The property dropDownItems in DropDownFormFieldInfo is changed to dropdownItems.

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #279874 - Resolved paragraph spacing issue in the exported docx when opening it in libre office.
    • #278039 - Character formatting now preserved properly for dropdown field.
    • #278038 - Handle restrict editing inside dropdown field.
    • #278695 - Paste text only in editable region now working properly.
    • πŸ‘» #267924 - Circular reference exception resolved when export the document contains chart.
    • πŸ’… #152124 - Resolved script error when modify style for locale changed text.
    • #266059 - Skipped adding bookmark when pasting content with bookmark.
    • βͺ #267949 - Table is now revert properly when insert table below another table.
    • #268472 - Selection format is now retrieved properly when paragraph contains more than two paragraph.
    • πŸ’… #269467 - List character format is now update properly when paragraph contains style.
    • #264813 - Tab width in list paragraph is now layout properly.
    • #264779 - Text clipping issue is resolved when text inside table.
    • ⚑️ #269397 - Context menu position is now update properly.
    • #269546 - Resolved key navigation issue when paragraph contains page break.
    • #269778 - $ symbol is now search properly when text contains $ symbol.
    • #269893 - Focus is in document editor after dialog gets closed.
    • #268907 - Selection character format is retrieved properly when selection is in list text.
    • ⚑️ #270424 - Footer content is now update properly when document contains more than one section.
    • ⚑️ #269743 , #266534 - Focus is now update properly in Firefox when navigate to bookmark or search result.
    • ⚑️ #271039 - When paste content in RTL paragraph, formatting is now update properly.
    • #271928 - Resolved script when trying to create a new document and document have broken comments.
    • #271886 - Right tab width issue when paragraph contains right indent.
    • ⚑️ #271986 - Resolved error when updating Table of Contents with comments.
    • #271967 , #271968 , #271971 - Paste text only in empty paragraph is now working properly.
    • 🚚 #271985 - Resolved script error when remove page break after bookmark.
    • πŸ’… #272009 , #273868 - Modify style using numbering and paragraph dialog is now working properly.
    • πŸ’… #271977 - Pasting text in heading style is now maintain heading style in paragraph.
    • #271863 - Paragraph element splitting issue is now resolved when alignment is left and line combined with field.
    • #272290 - Resolved selection issue when paragraph contains line break character.
    • #272600 - Copy text with specific symbol (< , >) is now working properly.
    • #266059 - When pasting content with bookmark, bookmark is now preserved.
    • #269743 - Resolved focus issue in Firefox when navigate to bookmark or search result.
    • #269546 - Selection issue is now resolved when paragraph contains page break.
    • #274395 - Resolved script error when clicking on canvas in mobile view mode.
    • πŸ”€ #273345 - Resolved table export issue when table contains vertical merge cell.
    • #271450 - Restricted user editing, when spinner is visible.
    • πŸ”€ #271375 - Resolved table layout issue when table contain vertical merged cells.
    • #252868 - Resolved script error when minimize row height.
    • #275993 ,#277160 - Button actions in comments and restrict editing pane will not trigger the form submit events now.
    • #276810 - Table alignment property is now export properly.
    • πŸ–¨ #277452 - Contents in table is now print properly.
    • #273870 - Bookmarks API will not retrieve bookmark when selection is at end of bookmark.
    • #273913 - Enable/Disable item by index in toolbar is now working properly.
    • #276399 - After copy and paste table, table is now exported properly.
    • Comments pane locale string is now returns proper time.
    • #275137 - Apply vertical alignment for cell is now working properly when it inside table.
    • #275184 - Select bookmark API is now select bookmark element properly.
    • #275452 - Select current word using keys is now working properly when line contains comments.
    • ⚑️ #274525 - List font is now update properly on enter in list paragraph.
    • #273905 - Insert row below is now proper when cells have different borders.
    • #272762 - Modify list level using tab key is now proper.
    • #277823 - Resolved script error when deleting edit range element inside table.
    • ⚑️ #247077 - Selection is now updated properly while clicking before merge field.
    • #277357 - Table borders are now rendered properly.
    • #275686 - contentChange event will not trigger while switching the layout type.
    • #276616 - Paragraph format now preservers properly while inserting text.
    • #276039 - Adding new comment and replying to old comment is now disable in read only mode.
    • #277959 - Document with shape now imported properly.
    • ⚑️ #153583 - Selection is now updated properly for image inside the bookmark.
    • #278685 - Resolved script error on backspace inside the edit range.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ #268210 - Added support to customize user color in comment.
    • πŸ‘ #268211 - Added support for restricting the user from delete comment.
    • πŸ‘ #125563,#167098,#200655,#210401,#227193,#225881,#227250,#238531,#238529,#249506,#251329,#251816,#252988,#254094, #125563,#255850, #258472, #264794, #264634, #266286, #278191 - Added support for track changes.
    • #272634 - Added API to get hidden bookmark.
    • #267067,#267934 - Added API to customize font family dropdown.
    • βž• Added height and width API to define height and width of document editor.
    • βž• Added support for Legacy Form Fields.
    • βž• Added support for updating bookmark cross reference fields.

    File Manager

    πŸ†• New Features

    • βž• Added the upload customization support for ASP.NET Core AmazonS3 File Provider.
    • βž• Added the upload customization support for Google Drive File Provider.
    • βž• Added the upload customization support for FTP File Provider.
    • βž• Added the upload customization support for Firebase Realtime Database File Provider.
    • πŸ‘ #151112, #152443 - Added the access control support for SQL Server File Provider.
    • πŸ‘ #260977, #263918 - Added the file provider support in ASP.NET MVC for Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service) bucket storage service.
    • 0️⃣ #275878 - Provided an option to prevent default sorting of the files and folders in the File Manager component.
    • πŸ‘ Provided the support to display the File Manager's dialog at the user specified target.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ #245866, #279740, #248032 - Provided support to render multiple resource tasks in a row on collapsed state in resource view Gantt.
    • πŸ‘ #252413 - Provided support to display the over allocation indicators for a resources in resource view Gantt.
    • πŸ‘ #262121 - Provided support for dependency between two tasks in resource view Gantt.
    • πŸ‘ #269776 - Provided support for rendering Gantt as read only.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ’» #221401, #247125, #152063 - Provided support to select the operator for filterbar in UI.
    • πŸ‘ #147816 - Provided support for Frozen rows and columns with AutoFill.
    • πŸ‘ Provided the Frozen support in Grid continuous scroll feature.
    • πŸ‘ Provide the Editing support in Grid continuous scroll feature.


    πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

    • βœ‚ Removed the priority under the cardSettings property and included this functionalities to the sorting order feature by setting sortBy as Index under the sortSettings property.
    • Replaced sortBy into sortDirection under swimlaneSettings property.
    Previous API Current API
    cardSettings.priority sortSettings.sortBy as Index
    swimlaneSettings.sortBy swimlaneSettings.sortDirection

    πŸ†• New Features

    • Sorting Order : Arrange their cards in ascending or descending order based on sortBy property.
    • Card Layout : Improved the card layout by providing default colours, labels, and custom classes.
    • Dialog Customization : User can customize the particular property in the editing/adding dialog by using the model property.
    • Toggle Column Count : Provided cards count on collapsed column.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #F154895 - The position of the tooltip will now be rendered properly when placed inside a HTML element.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ The gradient color support for the ranges and the pointers is now available in the linear gauge.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #276068 Issue with grouping of list-item in header has been fixed.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ’» The issue with enabling the virtualization support in ListView component that throws script error in IE 11 browser has been resolved.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #278468 - The script errors will not be thrown when rendering the GeoJSON file with line string geometry in Maps control.
    • #280380 - The center position property will be maintained when the zooming operation is done after the reset zoom.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ The data manager support for bubble and marker data source is now available.
    • Google enum value is provided in ShapeLayerType to render the Google maps in the Maps control.
    • #280380 - isResized argument is exposed in the loaded event argument for indicating that the component is resized.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  An issue with menu selection has been fixed.
    • πŸ›  An issue with hamburger mode has been fixed.

    PDF Viewer

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #273237 - Now, Annotation comments are locked properly when locked the annotations.

    Pivot Table

    πŸ†• New Features

    • #233316,#234648,#247163 - The pivot chart in the Pivot Table now has these chart types: pie, doughnut, pyramid, and funnel.
    • πŸ‘ In addition to JSON, the pivot table now supports CSV data sources, as well.


    πŸ”‹ Features

    • πŸ‘ Provided support to indicate the active state of the progress.
    • πŸ‘ Provided support for striped progress bar.
    • πŸ‘ Provided support to place the labels at the center and far ends of the track.
    • πŸ‘ Provided support to segment the progress of a task.
    • ⚠ Provided support to indicate success, info, warning, and danger of using different colors.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  Issue with 'addGroups' method is fixed.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • The issue with "Rich Text Editor data binding is not working in Source Code view" has been resolved.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • #271295 - Provided public methods showInlineToolbar and hideInlineToolbar to show and hide the inline toolbars in the Rich Text Editor.

    ⏱ Schedule

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • 0️⃣ #280595 - An issue with event subject default field mapping is not consider in UI has been fixed.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • Inline Editing - The feature enables user to Edit an appointment’s title or create an appointment easily through a single click on the cells or on the existing appointment’s subject.
    • Year View - Utilize a horizontal year view in Schedule that exposes the annual view of the calendar. This will help users who navigate between years and months frequently.
    • ✨ Enhancement of Timeline Year View - The existing timeline year view now has added support to configure multiple resources, enable row auto-height, and drag and drop appointments.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #272991 - The issue with "Unable to use the same target for more than one Sidebar component" has been resolved.


    πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

    • API name changes.
    Old Property New Property
    rangeSettings ranges
    • 🏷 Tag directive changed for rangeSettings property.

    | Old Tag Directive | New Tag Directive |
    | <RangeSettingsDirective>
    <RangeSettingDirective> | <RangesDirective>
    <RangeDirective> |

    πŸ†• New Features

    • Conditional formatting: Provides option to format a cell or range of cells based on the conditions applied.
    • Clear: Provides option to clear the content, formats, and hyperlinks applied to a cell or range of cells in a spreadsheet.
    • Aggregates: Provides option to check the sum, average, and count for the selected cells or range in the sheet tab.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #273054 - An issue with cross side scripting validation has been fixed.


    πŸ†• New Features

    • #274484,F145781 - Provided option to open the popup while focusing the input element.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • πŸ›  #275422 - An issue with toolbar scrolling is not working properly after perform window resize has been fixed.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #154807 - Tooltip not opening more than once when target specified has been resolved.


    πŸ’₯ Breaking Changes

    • Now data, row these Tree Grid selection event arguments are get array values only when we perform multi selection. Please find modified event arguments and it types from the below table,
    Properties Type
    data Object or Object[]
    rowIndex number
    rowIndexes number[]
    row Element or Element[]

    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #279109 - Checkbox checked properly for child records in remote data.
    • #277364, #279732 - Checkbox with allowRowDragAndDrop property rendered properly after editing and cancelling in cell edit mode.
    • #277364 - Checkbox with autoCheckHierarchy property rendered properly after editing and cancelling in cell edit mode.
    • #278266 - Edit type dropdownedit is working properly in cell edit mode when enter key is pressed.
    • #277361 - Auto generated columns work fine when two treegrids are rendered on the same page.
    • ⚑️ #272026 - updateRow method works fine for updating treegrid data source.
    • #273309 - Editing the zeroth level added record works fine in Batch mode.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • πŸ‘ #258863, #271677 - Expand & Collapse child rows support has been provided in Excel Export.
    • πŸ‘ Columnchooser support has been provided that allows user to show or hide columns dynamically.
    • πŸ‘ Provided support for Editing with Virtualization feature.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • #280380 - Color of the treemap item will be maintained when the fill color of the selection settings is not provided.

    πŸ†• New Features

    • #280380 - isResized argument is exposed in the loaded event arguments for indicating that the component is resized.


    πŸ› Bug Fixes

    • βͺ #276986 - Now, the previous state will be restored in the TreeView when the CRUD operation is failed at the server side.