apollo-client v1.3.6 Release Notes

    • ⚡️ Optimize repeated apollo-cache-inmemory reads by caching partial query results, for substantial performance improvements. As a consequence, watched queries will not be rebroadcast unless the data have changed. PR #3394

    • Include root ID and fragment matcher function in cache keys computed by StoreReader#executeStoreQuery and executeSelectionSet, and work around bugs in the React Native Map and Set polyfills. PR #3964 React Native PR #21492 (pending)

    • 📦 The apollo-cache-inmemory package now allows graphql@^14.0.0 as a peer dependency. Issue #3978

    • 📦 The apollo-cache-inmemory package now correctly broadcasts changes even when the new data is === to the old data, since the contents of the data object may have changed. Issue #3992 PR #4032