victory v31.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-11-10 // over 5 years ago
    • 👍 #1177 Adds support for controlling radius, innerRadius, cornerRadius, padAngle, sliceStartAngle and sliceEndAngle for each individual slice of a pie:

    Details: The Slice primitive used by VictoryPie now takes radius, cornerRadius, innerRadius, padAngle, sliceStartAngle and sliceEndAngle props. Each of these props may be given as number or a function of datum and active. padAngle, radius, cornerRadius and innerRadius will be passed down from props on VictoryBar, but sliceStartAngle and sliceEndAngle must be defined directly on the Slice instance, These values should be given in degrees. To make these values easier to use as functional props, startAngle, endAngle, and padAngle (in degrees) are added to each datum passed into Slice. (If your data already has these properties they will not be overridden)

    💥 Breaking Changes The Slice primitive will still take a pathFunction prop, but this prop will no longer be provided by VictoryPie. This will not be a breaking change for most users. This will only affect users who were wrapping the Slice component and making use of the pathFunction prop provided by VictoryPie Users who were providing their own pathFunction prop to Slice should not be effected.