redux-router v1.0.0-beta6 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-01-02 // about 9 years ago
  • 🚀 We are glad to be able to continue bringing this project forward. A big "thank you" goes out to @mjrussell, who did most of work of this release and hopefully will continue to do so (no pressure).

    ⚡️ Update react-router

    ⚡️ We updated react-routers version to 1.0.3 and we are already working on upgrading to react-router v2. As this upgrade will take some more work and testing, we chose to stay at v1.0.3 for now.

    ⚡️ Update history

    ⚡️ We removed the peerDependency to history as it did not work properly with older npm versions, also npm had a nasty bug with releasing modules containing history. Internally we updated history to 1.17.0.

    👀 Also we removed any direct import or require on our side, so s user has complete control over which createHistory function is handed over. This applies mainly to the server-side rendering module, which had the only direct import. To prevent people from using too old versions of history, we included a sanity check which checks the ´history´ a user hands over to us for the necessary functions (see #221).
    This breaks things on server-side rendering, as you now need to add a createHistory function to the reduxRouter.
    ✅ Check out the test to clarify things:

    Server-Side Rendering Example

    We included a very basic server-rendering example to help people get started. Thanks to @stevoland.