redux-router v1.0.0-beta2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-09-16 // over 8 years ago
  • ๐Ÿš€ Two big additions with this release.

    Routes as children/props

    ๐Ÿ”ง Instead of passing your route configuration to the store enhancer, you now also have the option of passing it to <ReduxRouter> as either the routes prop or as children. This brings us in line with the normal React Router API.


    ReactDOM.render(( \<Provider store={store}\>\<ReduxRouter\>\<Route path="/" component={App}\>\<Route path="parent" component={Parent}\>\<Route path="child/:id" component={Child} /\>\</Route\>\</Route\>\</ReduxRouter\>\</Provider\>), el);

    or, equivalently:

    const routes = ( \<Route path="/" component={App}\>\<Route path="parent" component={Parent}\>\<Route path="child/:id" component={Child} /\>\</Route\>\</Route\>);ReactDOM.render(( \<Provider store={store}\>\<ReduxRouter routes={routes} /\>\</Provider\>), el);

    This solves the circular dependency problem (#44), where if you needed a reference to the store from within a route transition hook, you had to use a closure. This was confusing and easy to mess up; the new API does this for you using React Router's built-in dynamic routes functionality.

    As a bonus, the router will respond to new props, so hot reloading totally works.

    Server-side rendering

    To render an app on the server, import the reduxReactRouter store enhancer from redux-react-router/server instead of the main module. This is a slightly different version of the enhancer with server-specific functionality. Also import the match() action creator:

    import { match, reduxReactRouter } from 'redux-react-router/server'; 

    Then set up your store like normal. You can omit createHistory and history if you like:

    const store = compose( applyMiddleware(m1, m2, m3), reduxReactRouter() )(createStore)(reducer);

    ๐Ÿ“„ The match() action creator is very similar to the match() function provided by React Router, except because it's an action creator, we dispatch the result. It accepts a URL and a callback:

    store.dispatch(match('/some/path', (error, redirectLocation, routerState) =\> { if (error) { // handle error } if (redirectLocation) { // handle redirect } if (!routerState) { // handle 404 } // Otherwise, render to stringres.send( renderToString( \<Provider store={store}\>\<Route path="/" component={App}\>\<Route path="some" component={Parent}\>\<Route path="path" component={Child} /\>\</Route\>\</Route\>\</Provider\> ) ); }));