reactabular v7.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-11-03 // over 7 years ago
  • reactabular-dnd

    • Breaking - Rework moveRows interface. Instead of moveRows(rows, { sourceRowId, targetRowId }) => rows it's moveRows({ rows, sourceRowId, targetRowId }) => rows now.


    • Bug fix - Pass parentField to tree.filter. Now toggling should work.
    • Breaking - Push onMoveColumns behavior out of table core. Now it doesn't maintain table state at all. As a result you need to implement onMoveColumns handler like this to make column moving work:
    onMoveColumns({ columns, source, target }) {
      this.setState({ columns });


    • Breaking - Push logic to selectabular. See the selection demo (features -> selecting rows) for the new, more powerful API.


    • Bug fix - Allow tree.toggleChildren to work without column props defined.
    • Feature - Add tree.getImmediateChildren.
    • Feature - Add tree.moveRows.
    • Breaking - Refactor tree.filter as ({ fieldName, parentField = 'parent' }) => (rows) => filteredRows.


    • Bug fix - If rowKey value is zero, resolveRowKey should return 0-row.
    • Feature - Allow colSpan and rowSpan to be overridden at resolveHeaderRows.