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Next.js Enterprise Boilerplate
💼 An enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps. Packed with features like Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, testing tools, and more to accelerate your development. -
DISCONTINUED. Renders static content efficiently by allowing React to short-circuit the reconciliation process.
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Do you think we are missing an alternative of react-voodoo or a related project?
react-voodoo Fast, SSR compatible, additive & swipeable, tween composition engine for React
Why another animation engine ?
To have some advanced functionalities :
- Additive tween ( simultaneous tween on same properties like web animation APIs )
- Swipeable animations ( like Android & iOS )
- Fast & direct DOM updates ( not bound to the React rendering loop )
- Server Side Rendering of any scroll / swipe position
- Hot switching scrollable anims ( responsive )
- Predictive inertia ( knowing where inertia will stop while animating )
- Multitouch dragging ( drag multiple things at once )
- Intuitive & flexible animation system
- Cool ( & performant ) React integration
- Automatically deal with multiple units using css "calc( ... )"
- etc...
Some live demo & codesandbox here
Draft & minimalist samples here
Draft & minimalist doc [here](doc/
react-voodoo still miss some interpolator ( like background or borders ).
How can i help ?
[](#) [](#) [](#)
"all in one" example :
```jsx harmony
import React from "react"; import Voodoo from "react-voodoo"; import {itemTweenAxis, tweenArrayWithTargets} from "./somewhere";
const styleSample = { height : "50%",
// the tweener deal with multiple units
// it will use css calc fn if there's more than 1 unit used
width : ["50%", "10vw", "-50px", ".2box"],
// transform can use multiple "layers"
transform: [
// use rotate(X|Y|Z) & translate(X|Y|Z)
translateZ: "-.2box"
}; const axisSample = [ { target: "someTweenRefId", // target tween ref id ( optional if used as tweenAxis on a TweenRef ) from : 0, // tween start position duration: 100, // tween duration easeFn : "easeCircleIn", // function or easing fn id from d3-ease
apply : {// relative css values to be applied
// Same syntax as the styles
transform: [{}, {
translateZ: "-.2box"
from : 40,
duration : 20,
// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period
// delta : [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period
// newPos, precPos : [0,1] position inside the Event period
// delta : [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
moving:(newPos, precPos, delta)=>false,
// triggered when axis has scrolled out the Event period
// delta : [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
const Sample = ( {} ) => { const //[parentTweener] = Voodoo.hook(true), [tweener, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook();
// Voodoo.hook({name:"root"}) // tweener instance can be nammed like this
// Voodoo.hook("root") // we can then get theirs ref like this
e => tweener?.watchAxis("scrollY", (pos)=>doSomething()),
// once drawn :
// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollPos
// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollTo(targetPos, duration, easeFn)
// tweener.scrollTo(targetPos, duration, axisId, easeFn)
return <ViewBox className={ "container" }>
id={"scrollY"} // Tween axis Id
defaultPosition={100} // default start position
// Global scrollable tween with theirs TweenRef target ids
// size of the scrollable window for drag synchronisation
scrollableWindow={ 200 }
// default length of this scrollable axis
size={ 1000 }
// optional bounds ( inertia will target them if target pos is out )
bounds={ { min : 100, max : 900 } }
// inertia cfg ( false to disable it )
// called when inertia is updated
// should return instantaneous move to do if wanted
shouldLoop: ( currentPos ) => ( currentPos > 500 ? -500 : null ),
// called when inertia know where it will end ( when the user stop dragging )
willEnd : ( targetPos, targetDelta, duration ) => {},
// called when inertia know where it will snap ( when the user stop dragging )
willSnap : ( currentSnapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) => {},
// list of waypoints object ( only support auto snap 50/50 for now )
wayPoints : [{ at: 100 }, { at: 200 }]
id={"testItem"} // optional id
style={styleSample}// initial styles : css syntax + voodoo tweener units & transform management
// Scrollable tween with no target node id required ( it will be ignored )
axes={{ scrollY : sampleAxis }}
onClick={// all unknow props are passed to the child node
// start playing an anim
// make all tween target "testItem", "testItem")
(tweenAxis) => {
// doSomething next
// make drag y move the scrollAnAxis axis
// xAxis={ "scrollAnAxis" }
// scale / inverse dispatched delta
// xHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)}
// React ref to the box, default to the parent ViewBox
// scale is as follow : (delta / ((xBoxRef||ViewBox).offsetWidth)) * ( axis.scrollableWindow || axis.duration )
// xBoxRef={ref}
yAxis={ "scrollY" }// make drag y move the scrollY axis
// yHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)}
// yBoxRef={ref}
// mouseDrag={true} // listen for mouse drag ( default to false )
// touchDrag={false} // listen for touch drag ( default to true )
// button={1-3} // limit mouse drag to the specified event.button === ( default to 1; the left btn )
// * actually Draggable create it's own div node
Some content to tween
## todo ?
- add missing interpolator / strategy ( background, borders, ... )
- Doc, tests & code cleaning
- lot of various simple and/or smart optims / recycling
- SVG support
[![contributions welcome](](#)