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Avg Release Cycle
37 days
Latest Release
1824 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v0.9.0 Changes

    🚀 This release addresses a couple of bugs and improves our dep tree. The only psuedo-breaking change is to the layout of radial plot. The way that it now works is that the pie is centered within the given width/height and then allowed to grow to an innerWidth/innerHeight that is computed from the margins and the width/height.

    • 🐛 Bug: Modify margin system for radial chart
    • 👌 Improvement: Support for classname on legends
    • 💅 Chore: Remove duplicated styles
    • 🐛 Bug: Add default props to classname for axis
    • ⚡️ Chore: Update deps, fix lint errors
  • v0.8.0 Changes

    🚀 This release adds two new props (and set of illustrative examples) to Hint component: align and getAlignStyle. align (replacing orientation prop) is an object with two props — horizontal and vertical — and set of values that support existing and new hint placement: a) around a data point in one of four quadrants (imagine the point bisected by two axes — vertical, horizontal — creating 4 quadrants around a data point). b) New: pin to an edge of chart/plot area and position along that edge using data point's other dimension value.

    💅 Developers wanting total control can use the getAlignStyle(align, x, y) function that returns an inline style object with one or more of the following props (left, right, top, bottom).

    🚀 The orientation prop is supported for backwards compatibility but will be deprecated in future release.

    👀 See the following figure explaining the two props (horizontal, vertical) for the align prop object. 🍱 react-vis-hint

  • v0.7.0 Changes

    🚀 This release adds a new series: rectSeries. Rect series operates similarly to barSeries: they consist of a series of rectangles of various size that be stacked, but with one key difference. Where the bar series operates on the assumption of an ordinal axis, rect series operates on an assumption of a continuous one. This allows users to specify the positions of the edges of their rectangles!

    🍱 alt text

    Rect series are great for histograms, as they allow you to exactly specify the bounds of buckets. They can be accessed via VerticalRectSeries and HorizontalRectSeries. Check out the examples for more details. This is non breaking change, and can be dropped in immediately.

  • v0.6.8 Changes

    • 🔋 Feature: Export Abstract series and the rest of the functions in scale utils.
    • 🔋 Feature: Add specific class names to x and y axes
  • v0.6.6 Changes

    • 👌 Improvement: added line smoothing via d3-shape curve functions (#185).
    • 👌 Improvement: Expose GridLines, AxisLines, and ScaleUtils to export
    • 👌 Improvement: Add className prop to all series
    • 📚 Documentation: Expand tree map example
    • 📚 Documentation: Add elevated area chart example
  • v0.6.4 Changes

    • 🛠 Bugfix: Fixed the issue with numeric titles in legends (#154).
  • v0.6.3 Changes

    • 🛠 Bugfix: fix the broken event listeners for radial charts (#150);
    • 🛠 Bugfix: compatibility fix: do not treat null and undefined in scale props as existing values (#149).
  • v0.6.2 Changes

    • 🔋 Feature: added a new tickLabelAngle property that rotates the tick label ([see the documentation](docs/ for details).
    • 👌 Improvement: added a little bit of examples for the axes.
    • 🛠 Bugfix: fixed misplaced axis title when orientation is set to 'top' or 'right' (#146).
  • v0.6.1 Changes

    • 🛠 Bugfix: axis is misplaced when orientation is set to 'right'(#143).
  • v0.6 Changes


    🆕 New legends (sic!), new animations, faster rendering of components, no d3 in actual rendering process, new examples and more.

    💥 Breaking changes

    • 📚 animation property works differently: duration is removed in favor of stiffness, damping and precision. Please refer to the documentation for the latest changes.
    • undefined and null values of important scale-related attributes for domains and ranges are now treated as real values (and not ignored anymore).

    Non-breaking changes

    • 🔋 Feature: added the first version of legends (discrete and continuous color legends, continuous size legend). Please refer to the [docs for legends](docs/ for more details.
    • 👌 Improvement: got rid of assigning properties with d3 after rendering, currently all attributes and event listeners are attached using React (and it is faster).
    • 👌 Improvement: eliminated the use of d3-selection and d3-transition modules and made the source code smaller.
    • 👌 Improvement: added some structure into the examples and simplified their source code (check them out).
    • 🛠 Bugfix: fixed crashing on animation (#114).
    • 👌 Improvement: onNearestX event now returns the index of the selected data point as an attribute (more details [here](docs/
    • 🛠 Bugfix: added the donut chart to the list of examples (#83).
    • 🛠 Bugfix: fixed failing bar charts when the number of segments was changed (#55).