react-notifications-component v2.0.0 Release Notes

  • 💥 Breaking changes

    • 🗄 Ref usage has been deprecated. Import store from library and use it for adding and removing notifications
    • touchSlidingBack has been renamed to touchRevert
    • 🚚 dismissIcon has been removed. Use showIcon instead. If you rely on customized close icon, then stick to custom content.
    • cubicBezier has been renamed to timingFunction

    👌 Improvements

    • 🏗 Validators are now no longer included in the prod build, they are only included in the dev build. If you inspect the npm package you will see that the component has 2 builds - dev and prod - and relies on ENV variable when importing.
    • 0️⃣ Default values for transitions have been slightly changed
    • 👍 dismiss supports now more options

    ✂ Removed

    • 🚚 Test coverage has been removed as library's been almost fully rewritten in 2.0.0