react-motion v0.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-01-26 // about 8 years ago
    • [B] spring helper's format has changed from spring(10, [120, 12]) to spring(10, {stiffness: 120, damping: 12}).
    • 💅 [B] style, styles and styles of the three respective components now only accept either a number to interpolate, or a spring configuration to interpolate. Previously, it accepted (and ignored) random key/value pairs mixed in, such as {x: spring(0), y: 'helloWorld'}. y Doesn't belong there and should be placed elsewhere, e.g. directly on the (actual react) style of the component you're assigning the interpolating values on.
    • ⬆️ [B] TransitionMotion got an all-around clearer API. See the upgrade guide and README section for more.
    • 💅 [B] Motion's' defaultStyle, informally accepted the format {x: spring(0)}. This is now officially unsupported. The correct format has always been {x: 0}. Setting a default style of {x: spring(whatever)} did not make sense; the configuration only applies for a style, aka destination value. Same modification applies to StaggeredMotion and TransitionMotion's defaultStyles & willEnter.
    • [B] TransitionMotion's willEnter/willLeave's signature has changed.
    • 🚚 [B] The reorderKeys helper is no longer needed thanks to the changes to TransitionMotion. It's now removed.
    • 🏗 [B] React-Native specific build gone. RN 0.18+ uses the vanilla Npm React package, so there's no more need for us to export a wrapper.
    • [F] Bunch of bugs gone: #225, #212, #179, #157, #90, #88.
    • [I] spring has acquired a new field as part of the new signature: precision tuning!
    • [I] Fully typed via Flow types.
    • 🐎 [I] Performance improvements.