react-maskedinput v3.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-10-23 // over 8 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking change: Now uses a mask prop to define the input mask instead of pattern, to avoid preventing use of the the HTML5 pattern attribute in conjunction with the input mask.

    💥 Breaking change: React >= 0.14 is now required.

    React 0.14 compatibility. [[jquense][jquense]]

    ⚡️ Updated to [email protected]

    ⚡️ Updates based on [email protected]:

    • ➕ Added placeholderChar prop to configure the placeholder character.
    • The mask's pattern is now changed if the pattern prop changes - the user's input so far is replayed with the new pattern (with mixed results - TBD).

    🏗 UMD build is now available via npm in dist/. [[muffinresearch][muffinresearch]]