react-helmet v5.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-03-21 // about 7 years ago
  • 🔋 Features

    • New Simplified API (fully backward-compatible) - Helmet now takes plain HTML tags for the majority of the API with just a few remaining props for Helmet - retaining titleTemplate, defaultTitle, onChangeClientState, and one new - encodeSpecialCharacters - refer to README for details. Directly passing Helmet props will be deprecated in the future. (#246)
    • requestIdleCallback utilized to consolidate DOM changes and makes these non-blocking for things like animations. Fixes first client-side render not matching server-side render. Maintains one DOM change between route changes on the client-side as well. (#248)
    • On server-side, Helmet.renderStatic() aliased to Helmet.rewind() for more clarity. rewind will be deprecated in the future.
    • Yarn support