react-day-picker v4.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-02-10 // about 7 years ago
    • Pass the day's modifiers to the renderDay prop function (#237)

    • 💥 Breaking change Updating initialMonth will not show anymore a different month after the first mount (#169)

    If you need the calendar to display a different month, use the month prop.

    • 💥 Breaking change Use lang HTML attribute instead of a specific CSS class name.

    This change may break your style or layout if you are styling the component according to the current locale. If this is the case, change your CSS to use the lang attribute selector. For examples, if you are styling the calendar for the de locale:

      - .DayPicker--de {
      + .DayPicker[lang="de"] {
        background: yellow;