react-date-range v1.0.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-02-19 // about 4 years ago
  • 🔄 Changed

    • 💥 BREAKING: date-fns is now loaded as a peerDependency. You can use this plugin with your own project's date-fns version. However if you want to keep using date-fns versions older than 2.0.0, (minimum version is 2.0.0-alpha.1) you need to pass the following props to your component. (See the reason here, also see this table)

      <CalendardateDisplayFormat='MMM D, YYYY'monthDisplayFormat='MMM YYYY'weekdayDisplayFormat='ddd'dayDisplayFormat='D'/>

    ➕ Added

    weekStartsOn prop: You can set the week start day. (Number, 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday etc.) If not specified, gets the week start day from your locale.

    weekdayDisplayFormat, dayDisplayFormat and monthDisplayFormat props: For being able to use different versions of date-fns

    startDatePlaceholder and endDatePlaceholder props: You can set different placeholders for Date inputs. If not set, falls back to 'Early' and 'Continuous'.

    🛠 fixedHeight prop: Set this to true to prevent height change while selecting different months. Since some months require less than 6 lines to show, by setting this prop, you can force 6 lines for all months.

    editableDateInputs prop: Set this to true to make the inputs editable. Falls back to false.

    DateInput and InputRangeField are exported as dedicated components.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🚚 Works with React 16, without warnings (Deprecated methods are removed: componentWillReceiveProps )
    • IE11 Bug where the last day of each week is not shown.
    • Now infinite scroll mode works as expected.