ka-table v4.0.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-07-19 // almost 4 years ago
  • What was done

    1. childComponents setting for customization (instead of childAttributes)

    this is a list of child components which user can override at this time (list can be extended by request):

    export class ChildComponents {
      public cell?: ChildComponent<ICellProps>; 
      public cellEditor?: ChildComponent<ICellEditorProps>; 
      public cellText?: ChildComponent<ICellTextProps>; 
      public dataRow?: ChildComponent<IDataRowProps>;
      public detailsRow?: ChildComponent<IDataRowProps>;
      public filterRowCell?: ChildComponent<IFilterRowEditorProps>;
      public groupCell?: ChildComponent<IGroupRowProps>;
      public groupRow?: ChildComponent<IGroupRowProps>;
      public headCell?: ChildComponent<IHeadCellProps>;
      public noDataRow?: ChildComponent<INoDataRowProps>;
      public table?: ChildComponent<ITableProps>;
      public tableHead?: ChildComponent<ITableHeadProps>;

    ChildComponent is a class with two settings:

    export class ChildComponent<TProps> {
      public elementAttributes?: (props: PropsWithChildren<TProps>) => ChildAttributesItem<TProps>;
      public content?: (props: PropsWithChildren<TProps>) => any;

    elementAttributes - function which returns attributes for particular component element

      table: {
        elementAttributes: (props: ITableProps) => ({
          className: 'table table-striped table-hover table-bordered'

    content - function overrides component content

            cellEditor: {
              content: (props) => {
                switch (props.column.key) {
                  case 'passed': return <CustomLookupEditor {...props}/>;
                  case 'name': return <CustomEditor {...props}/>;

    the ability to set up nested fields in one property using the dots #62

    tableProps.search option renamed to tableProps.searchText

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking Changes

    Because childComponents covers almost all cases for grid elements customization, API has been reworked.

    1. component customization properties in columns moved to childComponents


      columns:[{ key: 'columnKey', cell: (props) => <AlertCell {...props}/> ... }]`


            cellText: {
              content: (props) => {
                switch (props.column.key) {
                  case 'columnKey': return <AlertCell {...props}/>;
                // don't return anything for using default value

    there is a list of settings which were in the column and their names in childComponents:

    • cell -> cellText (cell in childComponents is a parent for cellText & cellEditor)
    • editor -> cellEditor
    • filterRowCell -> filterRowCell
    • groupCell -> groupCell
    • headCell -> headCell
    1. component customization properties in ITableProps also moved to childComponents (the same way as in (1)):
    • dataRow -> dataRow
    • groupRow -> groupRow
    • detailsRow -> detailsRow
    1. column.fieldParents were removed

      key: 'field', fieldParents: ['parent1', 'parent2']


    key: 'parent1.parent2.field',
    1. column.format & column.search & column.validation functions were moved to ITableProps. params became one object, and column option was added to this object

      columns: [{ key: 'price', format: (value: number) => { return $${value}; }, validation: (value) => { return value ? '' : 'value must be specified'; } }, { dataType: DataType.Boolean, key: 'passed', search: (searchText?: string, rowData?: any) => { return (searchText === 'false' && !rowData.passed) || (searchText === 'true' && rowData.passed); }, }]


    format: ({ column, value }) => {
        if (column.key === 'price'){
          return `$${value}`;
    search: ({ searchText, rowData, column }) => {
        if (column.key === 'passed'){
          return (searchText === 'false' && !rowData.passed) || (searchText === 'true' && rowData.passed);
    validation: ({ column, value }) => {
        if (column.key === 'price'){
          return value ? '' : 'value must be specified';

    search was renamed to searchText, (because search is used for another purpose - see (4))

    childAttributes were removed, use childComponents.[componentName].elementAttributes instead.

      table: {
        className: 'custom-editor-demo-table'


      table: {
          className: 'custom-editor-demo-table'

    ๐Ÿšš 1. All component props moved to /props directory (except for ITableProps - they are in root) ๐Ÿšš 2. A lot of Redundant types were removed (old way -> new way to use):

    • CellFunc -> React.FC<ICellContentProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<ICellContentProps>> -> React.FC<ICellContentProps>
    • DataRowFunc -> React.FC<IDataRowProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IDataRowProps>> -> React.FC<IDataRowProps>
    • EditorFunc -> React.FC<ICellEditorProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<ICellEditorProps>> -> React.FC<ICellEditorProps>
    • FilterRowFunc -> React.FC<IFilterRowEditorProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IFilterRowEditorProps>> -> React.FC<IFilterRowEditorProps>
    • GroupCellFunc -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IGroupRowProps>> -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • GroupRowFunc -> React.FC<IGroupRowProps>
    • HeaderCellFunc -> React.FC<IHeadCellProps>
    • React.FC<PropsWithChildren<IHeadCellProps>> -> React.FC<IHeadCellProps>
    1. Signatures for the next functions were changed:

      type FormatFunc = (value: any) => any; // changed to: type FormatFunc = (props: { value: any, column: Column }) => any;

      type SearchFunc = (searchText?: string, rowData?: any, column?: Column) => boolean; // changed to: type SearchFunc = (props: { searchText: string, rowData: any, column: Column }) => boolean;

      type ValidationFunc = (value: any, rowData?: any) => string | void; // changed to: type ValidationFunc = (props: { value: any, rowData: any, column: Column }) => string | void;

    2. columnUtils, dateUtils & typeUtils were renamed to kaColumnUtils, kaDateUtils, kaTypeUtils

    3. .ka-group-column* classes were renamed to .ka-group-cell*

    4. IPagingProps for settings was renamed to PagingOptions